MOT Entrance Guidance in Yonezawa (December 9th, Sat)

Entrance guidance on Yonezawa campus for your carrier development

Learning “Value Innovation for Your Business” with a goal at Master Degree or Doctorate Degree  while working is an great opportunity for your carrier development.

MOT is offering an entrance guidance for you who are interested in an enrollment in April 2018. Application will be open between February 13, Tuesday, 2018 and February 16, Friday, 2018.

Please feel free to join our MOT guidance. Registration is not required.

MOT Entrance Guidance

  • Date and Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm, December 9th, Saturday, 2017
  • Location: Business Research Institute for Glocal Innovation, 3rd Floor, Seminar Room A, Yamagata University Yonezawa Campus (4-3-16, Jonan, Yonezawa)
  • Contact: 
    • Professor Yoichiro Tanaka, Yamagata University Graduate School of Science and Engineering        Email:  Tel:0238-26-3719
    • MOT Office       Email:   Tel: 0238-26-3621     FAX: 0238-26-3772

Why do not you study at Yamagata University graduate school MOT (Department of Manufacturing Technology Management)?

Enrollment guide