Professor Hidemitsu Furukawa


Professor,Graduate School of Science and Engineering

Head of Soft & Wet Matter Engineering Lab.

Academic Carrier and Education

・2017- Head of Soft Matter Robotics Consortium (OPERA-SOFUMO)

・2013- Leader of Digital Materials and Systems Group, Center of Kansei-Oriented Digital Fabrication (COI STREAM)

・2013- Chair of Life-3D Printing Innovation Center (LPIC).

・2012- Professor, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamagata University, Japan.

・2009- Head of Soft & Wet Matter Engineering Laboratory (SWEL).

・2009-2012 Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Yamagata University, Japan.

・2004-2009 Associate Professor, Division of Life Sciences, Hokkaido University, Japan.

・2002-2004 Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering of Polymer Materials and Chemistry, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan.

・1996-2002 Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering of Polymer Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.

・1996 D. Sc. in Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.

Professional Carrier and Awards

・2017-2018   Member of the research subcommittee, NISTEP.

・2016- Co-founder and Special Technical Consultant,D-Light Matter, Inc.

・2013-2014 Member of the research subcommittee, ” Future Prospect of Fab Society” , IICP.

・Member of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.

・Member of the Society of Polymer Science Japan, Tohoku branch.

・President of the School for Future Polymer (Koubunshi Mirai Juku), The Society of Polymer Science, Japan.

・Member of the Society of Rubber Science and Technology, Japan, Kanto branch.

・Member of the Cellulose Society of Japan, Hokkaido Tohoku branch.

・Director of the Japan Biorheology Society.

・Founder and Member of the Yamagata Makers Network.

・Founder and Director of the Yonezawa Itadakimasu Research Group for Regional Meal Innovation.

・Founder and Director of the EKI Fab-3D Prining at Yonezawa station.



・2016 Best Speakers Award 2016, JAFOE(The Engineering Academy of Japan、National Academy of Engineering,United States).

・2016  M&P (Materials & Processing Division) Achievements Award , The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.

・2013 Nice-Step Researcher Award, NISTEP(National Institute of Science and Technology Policy) .

・2010  Society for the Promotion of Scientific measurement Award, Society for the Promotion of Scientific measurement.

・2010 Best Speaker Award(M&M International Symposium for young researchers) , The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Members of Soft & Wet Matter Engineering Laboratory (SWEL),2017 .

Membership of Professional Societies

Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME),Society of Polymer Science, Japan (SPSJ),Physical Society of Japan (JPS),Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ), Society of Rubber Science and Technology, Japan (srij), Society of Rheology, Japan (SRJ), Cellulose Society of Japan,Japanese Society of Tribologists (JAST),Japan Biorheology Society, Society of Pure & Applied Coordination Chemistry (SPACC),Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ),American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME),Electrochemical Society (ECS),American Chemical Society (ACS),International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE),Engineering Academy of Japan (EAJ).


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