What is Research Institute of Regional Value Creation Management
Research Institute of Regional Value Creation Management was founded on April 1, 2017, as one of the institutes certified by Yamagata University. MOT Major consists of master course and doctorate course in which master’s degree in engineering and doctorate in philosophy/engineering can be earned, respectively. Faculties with teaching credentials team up with assistant researchers to proactively expedite research in an attempt to create values at local level.
Mission of the Institute for Regional Value Creation
Research Institute of Regional Value Creation Management was founded to transform local industrial structures through collaborative research in which many local entities get involved. Its collaborative research is three-fold.
① Local Community Collaboration(Contact:Associate Professor Matsuda、Associate Professor Noda、Assistant professor Takazawa
② Finance Collaboration(Contact:Professor Ono、Associate Professor Hiiragi)
③ ICT industry collaboration(Contact:Professor Tanaka、Professor Kodama)
In each collaborative research, we make good use of local resources based on value-creation logics, conduct management study for companies to generate values and undertake practical research using ICT and data science. MOT Major serves as a driving force of education and so does this institute in the field of regional innovation.
Vision of the Institute for Regional Value Creation
The third mid-term plan advocates to use research outcomes in the society, offer various educational opportunities and develop human resources. Many local companies, however, are still contractors, hindering them from generating new values by themselves. Science engineering and business management studies over a process of changing local companies to be innovative remain few.
Leveraging IoT and data science, Yamagata University launched an institute for implementing activities and research in an attempt to spur regional innovation from a scientific viewpoint.
Working with local industries and governments, our faculty members make a team to form logics of management process while carrying out new projects for value-creation.